See Oracle OS X Platform Install FAQ for further information. is relevant to Java on macOS and versions of OS X since 2012.shares some observations on Java symbolic links on macOS.describes a bash profile to enable interactive setting of the JDK version.

describes how the java_home -exec can be used to execute Java commands for a specific JDK version independent of JAVA_HOME.describes how to use java_home to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.But I failed to appreciate the java_home command. I read JDK 8 Installation for OS X from the Java Platform SE Installation Guide some time ago. I have just installed the latest Java upgrade and decided to try to understand how to work with the different versions of Java on macOS. A lot of things have changed in that time: Apple used to bundle Java Oracle bought Sun Apple stopped bundling Java … macOS was previously known as Mac OS X and later OS X. I have used Java on these machines for many years. MacOS is the operating system that runs on Apple Mac hardware. zshrc file or bash_profile file from your home folder and add below code to set JAVA_HOME Variable path.Ever wondered where Java stuff lives on your Apple Mac? Ever had to find how to set your environment to work with a specific version of Java? Ever manually set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to get something working? Install Java versions 8, 11, and 17 on Mac Install different Java Version of OpenJDK using brew # version 17īrew install ln -sfn /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-17.jdkīrew install ln -sfn /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-11.jdkīrew install ln -sfn /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-8.jdk Set JAVA_HOME Variable path If you are working on Windows Machine then you can check here: How to set JAVA_HOME, GRADLE_HOME & ANDROID_SDK_ROOT path in Windows 11 In this blog post I’ll explain how to set different variable path in latest macOS Monterey(12.2.1) or Older version. Setting variable path like JAVA_HOME is tedious job if you have just started coding.